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Fall Pet Safety in Grapevine: A Dog Holds an Autumn Leaf in Her Mouth

Fall Pet Safety Tips

As summer turns to fall, there are several things you need to know about keeping your pet healthy and safe during this transition. Here in Grapevine, we can expect to see temperatures staying in the 80s from September through October, so heatstroke continues to be a risk. Our animal hospital and veterinarians are always available throughout the day to assist you if you have concerns or questions about this and other health hazards.


Dogs and cats can overheat quickly if they remain in a hot, humid environment for too long and are unable to cool themselves off properly. Dogs pant to keep themselves cool, but if the air they breathe is similar to their body temperature, they will begin to overheat. Breeds with flattened faces like English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Boxers, and Boston Terriers are especially at risk for heatstroke.

How to protect your pet from heatstroke:

  • Always make sure they have fresh water nearby for keeping hydrated
  • Keep them indoors with the air conditioning
  • Never, ever leave your pet in the car when it’s parked—even if the AC is running, that will not be enough to cool your pet
  • Know what the signs are—these may include heavy panting, drooling, lethargy, collapse, bright red gums and tongue, vomiting, and difficulty urinating
  • If your pet prefers the outdoors, make sure they have a shady place for keeping out of the sun, access to fresh water, and, if possible, a small wading pool

If you believe your pet is suffering from heatstroke, do the following:

  • Take them to a cooler space (such as inside the house) right away
  • Soak towels or wash cloths in cool water and place them on your pet’s back, under the arms/legs, and over their ears
  • Offer them tap water to drink, but make sure it isn’t tool cold; lowering your pet’s body temperature too quickly can cause them to go into shock
  • Contact our emergency animal hospital immediately

Wild Mushrooms

The fall season can bring heavy rains here in Grapevine, and with heavy rains come hazardous wild mushrooms. One of the most dangerous is the death cap, a white mushroom with a slightly fishy odor that might be appealing to curious pets. Ingesting one of these mushrooms can cause liver failure, seizures, vomiting/diarrhea, salivation, weakness, and even death. If you think your pet may have eaten a poisonous mushroom, don’t hesitate to bring them in for an evaluation!


Animal Emergency Hospital North Texas