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Pets In Cars

During the hot, summer months, please consider the safety of your pet when you take them for a ride in the car. Remember that even if you’re planning on running into a store for just a minute, it’s too dangerous to leave your pet in the car. Just a few minutes in a car during…

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Pet of the Month: Pebbles

Pebbles is an 81/2 year old Shar Pei that was unfortunate to have a severe disagreement with her housemates. Pebbles was brought to us in shock, severe multiple bite wounds and not using her left hind leg. Pebbles’ bite wounds required intensive care and because of the severity for the wounds the tissue became necrotic…

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Mobilize the Earth for Earth Day 2012

The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life to speak out against the deterioration of the environment and demand change. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency was created, the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were passed,and the modern environmental movement was born….

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Pets & Easter Egg Hunts

Easter egg hunts are so much fun for kids, and sometimes even for adults! Finding that brightly colored egg stuffed with a surprise is exciting! But don’t forget the dangers of failing to find an egg that’s been stuffed with candy. Your dog leads with their nose, and if you don’t find it, your pet…

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Common Pet Toxicity

Did you know that some regular household substances can be poisonous to your pet? It’s important to keep an eye on the things that your pet consumes, and that includes things out in the yard! We suggest keeping your poisonous substances, such as fertilizers, pesticides, paints, and cleaning products on high shelves inside the shed…

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March is Poison Prevention Month

March is Poison Prevention Month! Did you know that some of the most common household items that poison pets include human medication, both prescription and over the counter? With over 25,000 reported cases of pets poisoned by eating human medicine, it’s important to exercise extreme caution when it comes to storing these items! Keep your…

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Pet Apps

These curious creatures love playing with Pet Apps on iPhones and iPads. If you have an iPad or iPhone, do you have any Pet Apps installed on them? If so, which do you recommend for pet owners and their furry family members?

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Today is National Pet Travel Safety Day

Today is National Pet Travel Safety Day! The mission of this day is to save lives by creating awareness of the vital need for pet safety in all areas of travel. Safe travels! 

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Pets as Presents: Don't Let Pets Gets Lost in the Tinsel

It’s hard to resist the joy of giving your favorite loved one the pet they’ve always wanted for Christmas. However, the result of many of these well intentioned gifts is animals that are unwanted, uncared for and oftentimes sent to shelters.  An animal of any kind (even one as small as a fish or a…

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Holiday Pet Safety

Holly, Jolly and Oh-So-Safe! Of course you want to include your furry companions in the festivities, pet parents, but as you celebrate this holiday season, try to keep your pet’s eating and exercise habits as close to their normal routine as possible. And be sure to steer them clear of the following unhealthy treats, toxic…

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Animal Emergency Hospital North Texas