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5 Summer Safety Tips for Pets


Summer is the season of fun, but it can also be the season for dangers if you’re not prepared. Animal Emergency Hospital of North Texas wants to help keep your pet safe this summer, so consider the following tips, and remember…we’re open nights, weekends, and holidays, if your pet ever has an emergency.

Outdoor Safety

While your pet is playing outdoors, keep an eye on him and the weather (including the heat index) to make sure it’s not too hot out. Always have a shaded or sheltered area available for him to rest in as well as plenty of food and fresh water. This can eliminate your pet’s risk for heatstroke and other heat-related dangers.

Pets in Cars

Pets can be at risk for heatstroke while inside an enclosed vehicle, due to the greenhouse effect. On a 90-degree day, the interior temperature of a car can rise to over 150 degrees! Such high temperatures can obviously put your pet in danger, so always use caution when driving with your pet in the summertime, and NEVER leave him alone your vehicle.


Ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes all have one thing in common: They shouldn’t be anywhere near your pet. That’s because they’re linked to diseases like Lyme (ticks), allergy dermatitis (fleas), and heartworm (mosquitoes)—all of which can put your pet’s health at risk. Since your four-legged friend will be spending more time outdoors, make sure she’s on a veterinarian-prescribed preventive medication.


Do you let your dog enjoy a plunge in your pool every now and then? If so, it’s best to use non-chlorine chemicals like bromine, which is less harmful to a dog’s eyes, nose, and ears. Remember to also keep an eye on your dog, too, to make sure he’s safe. He may be able to easily jump into the pool, but getting out could be a challenge. Even if you have a chlorine-free pool, it’s still recommended that you limit your dog’s time in the pool. You may also want to consider using a kiddie pool with fresh water instead for your canine friend to splash around and cool off in.

Lawn Fertilizer

Did you know that lawn fertilizers can be poisonous to pets? Many lawn fertilizers contain pesticides and other toxins, so always read the label on your fertilizer container to determine the recommended wait time before letting your pet back on the grass this summer. You may also want to consider a pet-friendly fertilizer product.


Animal Emergency Hospital North Texas